
I.    目的

A.    The purpose of this 基本变更覆核程序 (“Procedure”) is to implement the College’s Disability 和 Religious Accommodation 政策 (collectively, “政策”).

B.    This Procedure establishes the Fundamental Alterations Review Committee as the decision-making body regarding whether a request for accommodation results in a Fundamental Alteration of an Activity, 使住宿请求可能被拒绝.

II.    适用范围及适用性.  本程序适用于学生, 员工, 申请人, 和 Visitors seeking accommodations for disability or religious reasons in the College’s 活动, 如政策中所定义的.

3.    定义

A.    All capitalized terms in this Procedure have the meanings provided in the Disability Accommodation Policy, 宗教住宿政策, 及相关程序. 

B.    All other capitalized terms in this Procedure have the following meanings:

1.    Fundamental Alterations Review Committee or “Committee” is an ad hoc committee that will be established if an Accommodation Request submitted by an Employee, 申请人, 学生, or Visitor presents the issue of whether the Accommodation would result in a Fundamental Alteration of an Activity.

2.    基本改造检讨 means an evaluation conducted by the Committee to determine whether an Accommodation Request by an Employee, 申请人, 学生, 或访客将导致活动的根本改变.  

IV.    基本改造检讨

A.    在DSS的情况下, 的CDEIO, 教员, Authorized Employee or HR makes a determination that an Accommodation requested by an Employee, 申请人, 学生, 或访客可能导致活动的根本改变, 委员会将召开会议审议这一请求.  

B.    The Committee will use the following process to conduct a 基本改造检讨:

1.    Within three (3) Business Days of determining that an Accommodation Request necessitates a 基本改造检讨, DSS, 的CDEIO, 教员, Authorized Employee or HR will forward a copy of the Accommodation Request 和 a 基本变更形式 to the Vice President who oversees the Activity 和 request that a Committee be appointed to conduct a 基本改造检讨.  如果住宿要求与学术活动有关, 教职员必须附上课程大纲的副本.

2.    The Vice President who oversees the Activity will appoint a 基本改造检讨 within two (2) business days of receiving the request for appointment of a committee. 

3.    The Committee shall be comprised of three (3) 员工 at the College appointed by the Vice President who oversees the Activity that is the subject of an Accommodation Request.

a.    The Vice President will select members of the Committee who have knowledge or experience in the Activity 和 have received training on this Procedure, 并将基本更改表格送交委员会.  

b.    副总裁不得选择授权雇员, 教员, CDEIO, DSS的员工, or HR Employee who was involved in responding to the Accommodation Request to serve on the Committee.

c.    Members of General Counsel’s Office 和 the Chief Compliance 和 Fair Practices Officer may not serve on the Committee.

C.    委员会将审议CDEIO的答复, 教员,  Authorized Employee 和/or HR on the 基本变更形式; however, the Committee will also use its expertise in determining whether a Fundamental Alteration would be caused by the Accommodation Request. 当住宿与学术活动有关时, the Committee shall consult with 教员 to obtain their expertise on the Academic Activity in question. 

D.    委员会可向CDEIO提交其他问题, 教员(s), 授权的员工(s), 或人力资源部门.

E.    委员会可, 如果有必要的话, consult with other knowledgeable 和 trained faculty 和 administrators deemed appropriate in determining the reasonableness of the Accommodation Request, 活动的基本功能, the possible alternatives to accommodate the individual requesting the Accommodation, or any other information the Committee deems relevant to the determination. 

F.    如果住宿申请涉及课程替代或放弃, the Committee must consult with the Academic St和ards Committee of Academic Forum.

G.    委员会可 consult with the Office of General Counsel as it deems necessary to make a determination.

H.    The Committee will issue a final written determination on the request within five (5) business days of formal appointment of the Committee by the Vice President. 

I.    The Committee’s final written determination must state whether the Accommodation Request would alter an Essential Function of an Activity at issue, 和, 如果是这样的话, whether alternate Accommodations may be available that would not alter an Essential Function of the Activity. 

1.    委员会将把书面决定送交发展支助部, HR, 的CDEIO, 教员, 或授权雇员;

2.    The determination is binding on those individuals 和 cannot be further appealed or grieved by any individual pursuant to any other College policy or procedure except as provided in the applicable Disability 和 Religious Accommodation Procedure. 

3.    The Committee will send a copy of the written determination to the Vice President who appointed the Committee, 谁来维持这个决心.

J.    The 基本改造检讨 process will be documented 和 maintained by the Vice President who appointed the Committee for future reference.  然而, it is important to note that a determination made in one instance does not constitute a policy or universal decision for future accommodation requests.

K.    Any deadline in this process may be extended at the discretion of the Vice President for good cause. 




策略管理员: Executive Director of Human Resources (for 员工 和 申请人) 和 Dean of 学生 Development (for 学生s 和 Visitors)

联系信息: slboyer1@biyongzhai.com; 410-777-2045; drdangerfield@biyongzhai.com; 410-777-2830


生效日期: 2024年6月5日

历史: 2023年6月28日批准的临时程序

适用于: 员工, including applicants for employment, 学生s of the College, 和 Visitors

相关政策: 宗教住宿政策




  • 《真钱欧洲杯买球平台(中国)有限公司》第七章.S. 法典第2000e -2(a)条
  • 美国《真钱欧洲杯买球平台(中国)有限公司》第四章.S.C. §2000c等序列.
  • Md. 代码,圣. 政府不., § 20-606
  • 29 CFR§1605等.
  • Md. 代码,建造., § 15-137    
  • 《欧洲杯买球平台》,2008年修订(ADA)
  • 2008年遗传信息非歧视法案,42美国.S.C. §2000ff
  • 1973年康复法案第504条(第504条)