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欧洲杯买球平台院(“学院”)致力于提供和维护一个工作和学习环境,在这个环境中,每个员工和学生都是根据员工或学生的表现进行评估的,没有裙带关系, conflicts of interest, exploitation and/or favoritism.

I. Purpose

这一政策的制定是为了允许亲属或有私人关系的个人受雇于学院,并参加学院提供的课程,同时促进公平,防止可能由裙带关系引起的利益冲突, exploitation and/or favoritism.

II. Scope and Applicability

This policy applies to all students, faculty and staff, including temporary employees, contractual employees, student employees and adjunct faculty.

III. Definitions

A. 裙带关系是在工作场所或教育环境中基于亲属关系的偏袒或偏袒的表现, which ordinarily consists of making employment, educational or other decisions based on a family or personal relationship.

B. Relative is one connected to another by blood, adoption, or marriage, including a spouse; child or step-child; parent, stepparent, or spouse’s parent; sibling, stepbrother, stepsister, or spouse’s sibling; grandparent, step-grandparent, or spouse’s grandparent; grandchild, step-grandchild, or spouse’s grandchild; aunt or uncle or spouse’s aunt or uncle; or niece or nephew or spouse’s niece or nephew.

C. Personal relationship means living in the same household, having an intimate relationship, 或任何其他关系,会引起实质性的不当行为或缺乏合理的客观性. For purposes of this definition, 亲密关系是指涉及情感或身体亲密的人际关系, including but not limited to, romantic or passionate attachment or sexual activity.

D.  上下级关系是指一名员工向另一名员工汇报工作或直接参与有关另一名员工的人事决策的关系.

E.  师生关系是指学生从教师那里接受学术指导,或者教师参与影响学生学习成绩的决策的关系.

IV. Supervisor-subordinate Relationships

A.  学院可以聘用亲属或有私人关系的个人,但这些个人不存在上下级关系.

B.  学院禁止员工与有私人关系的亲属或个人有上下级关系.

C.  An employee may not make, participate in, 或试图影响雇员的雇佣或其他商业决策,而雇员是其亲属或与其有私人关系的个人, including but not limited to decisions regarding hiring, promoting, supervising, disciplining, evaluating, compensating, directing work, setting work hours, or setting other conditions of employment, 例如批准大学经费支出或使用大学资源.

V. Faculty-student Relationships

A.  只要学生与亲属或与其有私人关系的个人没有师生关系,学生就可以在学院注册课程.

B.  学院禁止教职员工与未满18岁的学生发生亲密关系。, regardless of whether there is a faculty-student relationship.

C.  学院不鼓励教员与成年学生发生亲密关系, even if there is not a faculty-student relationship.

D.  学院禁止教职员工与与其有或发展私人关系的亲属或个人有师生关系.

E.  A faculty member may not evaluate student academic work, 更改学生的学习成绩,或参与或试图影响涉及亲属学生或与教师有私人关系的个人的决定, including but not limited to grading, evaluating student work, awarding credits or a credential, 毕业的:毕业或参加学生在学院从事的其他活动的.

VI. Reporting

A.  任何雇员在与亲属或与其有私人关系的个人存在上下级关系时,必须尽快向人力资源执行董事报告这种关系, 但无论如何不得迟于上下级关系形成之日起十(10)个工作日.

B.  如果处于上下级关系的员工之间发展了个人关系, 员工必须尽快向人力资源执行总监报告这段关系, 但无论如何不得迟于个人关系建立之日起十(10)个工作日.

C.  任何教师或学生,如果发现一名学生在某门课程中与一名教师有亲戚关系或与该学生有私人关系,则必须尽快向该教师所在学院的院长报告这种关系, but in no event later than ten (10) business days from the class start date.

D.  如果在课程中教师和成年学生之间发展了个人关系, 教员必须尽快向被指派教员所在学校的院长报告这一关系.

E.  Failure to report may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination or dismissal from the college, in accordance with the procedures.

F.  Upon receipt of a report, 该教员所在学校的人力资源执行主任或院长将按照程序处理该情况.

校董会特此授权校长(或其指定人员)发展, maintain and keep current appropriate procedures to implement and enforce this policy.


Policy Title: Nepotism and Personal Relationships Policy  

Policy Category: Human Resources

Policy Owner: Vice President for Learning Resources Management

Policy Administrator: Executive Director, Human Resources

Contact Information: Suzanne Boyer;; 410-777-2045

Approval Date: May 11, 2021

Effective Date: May 11, 2021

History: May 12, 2009 (effective 60 days from the date of revision), revised October 12, 1999; May 11, 2021                                        

Applies to: All faculty, staff, and students

Related Policies: N/A

Related Procedures: Nepotism & Personal Relationships Procedures